Weekly Updates

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the fifth week of our third quarter. I hope you all had a great weekend in the midst of the Super Bowl fanfare in Phoenix this weekend. I want to seize this opportunity to thank all parents for their support during the Greek Festival. It was a huge success. I was so proud of the performance put up by our scholars during the reader’s theatre. We look forward to more learning that will take place as the school year unfolds. The Olympics was also a huge success despite the heavy down pour. Congratulations to the Spartans! Here is a quick look at our 23rd week:

SPALDING – We will continue with our spelling list this week. Please, review homework as they come home. This week, we will have only three days of spelling.

List 1: trust, extra, dress, beside, teach, happen, begun, collect, files, provide 
List 2: sight, stood, fixed, born, goes, go, hold, drill, army
List 3: pretty, stole, income, bought, paid, pay, enter, railroad, unable, ticket

READINGREADING STRATEGY: In comprehension, students will be able to compare and contrast characters in their readings. We will also continue to reinforce the importance of identifying main ideas and supporting details alongside cause and effect relationships. We will continue with our eight chapter in The Cricket in Times Square.

POETRY: Title: Students will recite the poem “Smart” on Friday.

SAYING: The Real McCoy is an idiom that came about as a result of the invention by Elijah McCoy. It simply means “the real thing” .

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY – We will continue to practice all parts of speech, the focus will be on adverbs and articles this week.

WRITING – As we continue working on Writing With Ease, students will continue to develop narration, dictation and copy work skills.

LEVELED READERS – Your scholar will bring home a book to read this week. Please, encourage them to continue to write their reflection logs.
This week, we will continue to work on subtraction of numbers mentally. Many students eventually learned a strategy or two that they now feel comfortable using while adding numbers mentally. I will suggest you give them random numbers in the car to add or subtract mentally. It is a skill that they have to use often to master automaticity. We will finish our unit on addition and subtraction of mental math this week.
This week, we will review our learning about social insects (ants, bees, termites…). We will also learn about helpful and harmful insects.
  In History,  we will round off our learnings about the great thinkers in Greece. We will officially begin American History by learning about what led to the revolutionary war and who our founding fathers are, and the things that inspired them to sacrifice so much for their countr

To be attached to another by sincere feelings of affection and care for their well-being.

Be the BEST for others

“Why did you do all this for me?" he asked. "I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.’You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.” ― E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

  • We will continue with guided reading and Math groups this week. I look forward to seeing all our wonderful parent volunteers.
  • Special thanks to the Everhart & Lavell family for all they did to make the Greek Festival a success.
  • We will do our Galileo Math and Reading benchmark tests on Mon/Tues this week. The aim is to measure your child’s growth in reading and writing over a period of time.
  • Scholars will not be allowed to return to class after their teacher has led them to the MPR at the end of the day. It means that if they forget their homework, they cannot return to the classroom to pick it up. Please, let me know if you have questions about this.
  • The Color Run and Family Picnic is Saturday, February 7th at Freestone Park..
  • Please, sign up for our Fun Run Raffle Basket.
  • Our wish list is still active:
- Kleenex
- Sani hand wipes
- Chapter books
Thank you for all you do to support our class!

Have a great week.


Mrs. Toyin and Ms. Peterson

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