Weekly Updates

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. There is still so much to learn, so please encourage your scholars to continue to give their best.
Here is a quick look at our 34th week:
SPALDING –We will continue our spelling words this week. 

List 1: throw, threw, personal, everything, rate, chief, perfect, second, slide, farther
List 2: duty, intend, company, quite, quit, quiet, none, knew, know, remain
List 3: direction, direct, appear, liberty, enough, fact, board, September, station, attend

READINGREADING STRATEGY: In comprehension, we will focus on making inferences.

POETRY: Title: “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield. Students will do their recitals during the last week of school.

SAYING: Our saying this week is, “Get a taste of your own medicine."

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY – We will review contractions.

WRITING – As we continue working on Writing With Ease, students will continue to develop narration, dictation and copy work skills. We will continue to write paragraphs. Students learned that a paragraph is made up of at least 3-5 sentences. It must have an introductory sentence, three support sentences, and a closing sentence.

LEVELED READERS – Your scholar will bring home a chapter book to read. Please, encourage them to continue to write their reflection logs. Please, have them take care of the book as well.
This week, we will learn how to measure liquid content in capacity. We will compare the capacity of containers, understand liter as a unit of measurement, and solve word problems relating to measuring in capacity.
We will continue learning about Simple Machines. Last week, we learned about work, force, energy and levers. This week, we will focus on wedges and inclined planes as examples of simple machine.
  In History, We will begin a new unit on Immigration and Citizenship. Students will learn about why and how Europeans migrated to USA. We will talk about the role immigrants played in the making of USA.

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH – Responsibility/Humility

To not be proud or arrogant, but to have a modest sense of one’s importance.


It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.
                                                                                                        - Saint Augustine

·       We will have Math and Reading groups.
·       Your child went home with a brochure that outlines all of the exciting camps being held, here at Archway Arete, during the Great Hearts Summer Academy. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Posner atjposner@archwayarete.org
  • You are encouraged to try out this wonderful Math Resource KhanAcademy.org
  • K-1 students will perform on Tuesday, May 5th at 5:30 p.m.
  • 2-3 students will perform on Thursday, May 7th at 5:30 p.m.
  • 4-5 students will perform on Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m.
·       The PSO Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. The teachers at both Archway and Prep are very excited to show their gratitude toward these incredible volunteers who gave their time during the 2014-15 school year. More details to come.
·       The used uniform drive is underway. If you have any uniforms that you would like to donate or exchange, please fill out this form and drop off your items at the front desk. Please contact Dee Ulano with any questions.
Thank you for all you do to support our class!

Have a great week.


Mrs. Toyin and Ms. Peterson

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. The count down continues into the fifth week of our final quarter.  There is still so much to learn, so please encourage your scholars to continue to give their best. It has been a little rowdy in the past week.
Here is a quick look at our 33rd week for the school year:
SPALDING –We will continue our spelling words this week. Encourage your scholars to continue to practice writing their cursive. We will continue practicing in class as well. Students are not mandated to write in cursive now.
List 1: election, elect, aboard, jail, shed, refuse, district, restrain, royal
List 2: objection, object, pleasure, measure, treasure, navy, forty, fourteen, fourth, four
List 3: population, proper, judge, weather, whether, worth, contain, figure, sudden, instead
READINGREADING STRATEGY: In comprehension, we will focus on compare and contrast. Students will engage in telling the difference and similarities in things, people, and places.
POETRY: Title: “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield. Students will do their recitals during the last week of school.
SAYING: Our saying this week is, “Get a taste of your own medicine."
GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY – We will review all the parts of speech we have learnt so far: verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, interjections and preposition.
WRITING – As we continue working on Writing With Ease, students will continue to develop narration, dictation and copy work skills. We will continue to write paragraphs. Students learned that a paragraph is made up of at least 3-5 sentences. It must have an introductory sentence, three support sentences, and a closing sentence.
LEVELED READERS – Your scholar will bring home a chapter book to read. Please, encourage them to continue to write their reflection logs. Please, have them take care of the book as well.
This week, we will continue learning how to tell time. Last week was quite challenging for the entire class, but I think we are making good progress with telling time after and before the hour. We will focus on the start or end time for a time interval. Please, help reinforce telling time at home.
We have finished our unit on Magnets. Students will come home with their packets and study guides. Science test will be on Thursday. We will begin a new unit on Simple Machines. We will explore what a simple machine is and list several examples of what they are used for.
  In History, We will finish our unit on Civil war by reviewing all they learned about the war, slavery, people that made a difference, how the war started, and how it ended. There will be a test on Friday.

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH – Responsibility/Humility

To hold yourself morally accountable for actions within your control.

OWN your actions
Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.
                                                                                            - Ralph Marston

·       We will resume Math and Reading groups.
·       Your child went home two weeks ago with a brochure that outlines all of the exciting camps being held, here at Archway Arete, during the Great Hearts Summer Academy. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Posner atjposner@archwayarete.org
  • You are encouraged to try out this wonderful Math Resource KhanAcademy.org
  • K-1 students will perform on Tuesday, May 5th at 5:30 p.m. (For Spring Concert).
  • 2-3 students will perform on Thursday, May 7th at 5:30 p.m.(For Spring Concert).
  • 4-5 students will perform on Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m.(For Spring Concert).
·       The PSO Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. The teachers at both Archway and Prep are very excited to show their gratitude toward these incredible volunteers who gave their time during the 2014-15 school year. More details to come.
·       The used uniform drive is underway. If you have any uniforms that you would like to donate or exchange, please fill out this form and drop off your items at the front desk. Please contact Dee Ulano with any questions.
Thank you for all you do to support our class!

Have a great week.


Mrs. Toyin and Ms. Peterson

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dear Parents,
It was so nice seeing most of you at our second grade socials and Art festival. Thank you for bringing your children in for a fun gathering. Thanks for supporting the school. This is the fourth week of our fourth quarter.
Here is a quick look at our 32nd week for the school year:
SPALDING –We will continue our spelling words this week. Encourage your scholars to continue to practice writing their cursive. We will continue practicing in class as well. Students are not mandated to write in cursive now.
List 1: cheap, cheerful, chicken, driving, drive, echoes, echo, fairy, knock, leather
List 2: linen, mixture, nation, pause, peace, permission, rough, social, steal, strange
List 3: trophy, voices, voice, eight, ate, afraid, uncle, rather, comfort
READINGREADING STRATEGY: In comprehension, we will focus on Sequencing. Students will retell the order in which a story is told. We will help them make connection to writing paragraphs and the importance of keeping their writing in a logical sequence.
POETRY: Title: “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield. Students will do their recitals during the last week of school.
SAYING: Our saying this week is, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks."
GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY – We will focus on Antonyms and the four types of sentences. We will also introduce transitional words. Your child will come home with a list to practice with at home.
WRITING – As we continue working on Writing With Ease, students will continue to develop narration, dictation and copy work skills. Students will review letter writing this week as well. We started writing paragraphs officially this week. Students learned that a paragraph is made up of at least 3-5 sentences. It must have an introductory sentence, three support sentences, and a closing sentence.
LEVELED READERS – Your scholar will bring home a chapter book to read. Please, encourage them to continue to write their reflection logs. Please, have them take care of the book as well.
This week, we will begin learning how to tell time. This is usually a difficult concept, so we ask for parent support with reinforcing this skill through meaningful use at home. The goal of this week’s lesson will be to tell time to 5 minutes interval, and tell time as minutes after, or minutes past the hour.
We will continue studying Magnets. The, we will explore magnetic fields, and North and South Pole of magnets. Our focus will be on the vocabulary: attract and repel. Students will learn about compass and its magnetic component.
  In History, We will continue the study of The Civil War. Students will learn about the two war generals: General Lee and General Grant. They will learn about the death of Abraham Lincoln, and also the roles of women during the war.
VIRTUE OF THE MONTH – Responsibility/Humility

To not be proud or arrogant, but to have a modest sense of one’s importance.



"Humility is royalty without a crown. Humility is greatness in plain cloth.”
                                                                     -Spencer W. Kimball

  • There will be neither reading nor Math groups this week due to the AZ merit testing. Our second graders are not doing this test though.
  Your child went home last week with a brochure that outlines all of the exciting camps being held, here at Archway Arete, during the Great Hearts Summer Academy. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Posner atjposner@archwayarete.org
  • You are encouraged to try out this wonderful Math Resource KhanAcademy.org
  • Current students will need to complete a mandatory re-enrollment packet for the 2015-16 school year. This packet is due back to the front office by April 17th and can be found here. Please direct any questions to the front office manager, Rachele Holcomb.
  • The PSO Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. The teachers at both Archway and Prep are very excited to show their gratitude toward these incredible volunteers who gave their time during the 2014-15 school year. More details to come.
  •  The used uniform drive is underway. If you have any uniforms that you would like to donate or exchange, please fill out this form and drop off your items at the front desk. Please contact Dee Ulano with any questions. T

Have a great week.


Mrs. Toyin and Ms. Peterson

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dear Parents,
I hope you had a great three-day weekend. This is the third week of our fourth quarter. Every week draws us closer to the end. It’s becoming really hard to write my weekly news letters because they are a constant reminder that the end is near. I am excited though to see our wonderful scholars move on to the next grade level.
Here is a quick look at our 31st week:
SPALDING –We will continue our spelling words this week. Encourage your scholars to continue to practice writing their cursive. We will continue practicing in class as well. Students are not mandated to write in cursive now.

List 1: use, thought, person, nor, or, January, mean vote, court, copy
List 2: act, been, be, yesterday, among, question, quest, doctor, size, December
List 3: dozen, there, tax, number, October, reason, fifth, baking, bake, bowl

READINGREADING STRATEGY: In comprehension, we will focus on Sequencing. Students will retell the order in which a story is told.

POETRY: Title: “Lincoln” by Nancy Byrd Turner. We will do a make-up for all those that could not complete their poetry recitals this week.

SAYING: Our saying this week is, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks."

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY – We will continue learning about prepositions. They will learn the last six prepositions. We will also begin to look at synonyms.

WRITING – As we continue working on Writing With Ease, students will continue to develop narration, dictation and copy work skills. Students will review letter writing this week as well. We started writing paragraphs officially this week. Students learned that a paragraph is made up of at least 3-5 sentences. It must have an introductory sentence, three support sentences, and a closing sentence.

LEVELED READERS – Your scholar will bring home a chapter book to read. Please, encourage them to continue to write their reflection logs. Please, have them take care of the book as well.
This week, we will continue learning about fractions. Last week, we focused on identifying fractions and comparing fractions. This week, we will focus on identifying fractions within a group.
We will do a very short quiz to round off our unit on Eating healthy on Tuesday. We will begin studying Magnets. Students will explore the kinds of material that magnets are attracted to. They will explore north and south pole of magnets. Our focus will be on the vocabulary: attract and repel.
  In History, We will begin our study of The Civil War. Students will be able to understand the disagreements between Northern and Southern states over slavery. They will learn about people like: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriete Tubman, and Abraham Lincoln. They will also learn about the story behind Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Underground Railroad.

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH – Responsibility/Humility

To hold yourself morally accountable for actions within your control.

OWN your actions

The price of greatness is responsibility."
— Winston Churchill


  • We will continue reading and math groups this week.
  • Our Fine Arts night is on Wednesday April 8th.
Your child went home last week with a brochure that outlines all of the exciting camps being held, here at Archway Arete, during the Great Hearts Summer Academy. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Posner atjposner@archwayarete.org
  • You are encouraged to try out this wonderful Math Resource KhanAcademy.org
  • Save the date for our grade wide event on Friday April 10th at 6pm. 
    Come meet other 2nd grade families at Peter Piper Pizza to enjoy some dinner. It will afford the kids a chance to play together too

Thank you for all you do to support our class!

Have a great week.


Mrs. Toyin and Ms. Peterson